Bent is not Broken
Local author M.J. Buckman
At our meeting on the 28th February, local author, M.J. Buckman
is going to talk about her book Bent is not Broken.
About Us - Eastbourne Rainbow is an LGBTQ group for the 50+ Lesbian,Gay,Bisexual and Transgender communities living in Eastbourne and the surrounding areas for socialising, making new friends and gaining information about events happening locally.
The group is part of AGE Concern Eastbourne, meetings take place twice a month in the Venton Centre,Junction Road, Eastbourne BN21 3QY
A coffee morning is held on the second Wednesday of each month from 10.30 to 11.30am in the Pantry Cafe and there is an afternoon meeting on the last Wednesday of the month from 2.00 to 3.30pm in the Prince of Wales Room on the ground floor.
For more information - email, or telephone on 07516 670654 (text and voice mail only)
At our meeting on the 28th February, local author, M.J. Buckman
is going to talk about her book Bent is not Broken.
Paul Jordan has offered to give one of his talks about the history of Eastbourne on
Wednesday 24th April at 2pm at the Wednesday meeting.
The Rainbow Hub Brighton
Brighton & Hove Switchboard has been commissioned by East Sussex to provide training for GP practices and Health and Social care providers to improve LGBTQ+ inclusion.
Jane Woodhall, Inclusion and Engagement Officer from Brighton & Hove Switchboard will be attending the October meeting, Wednesday 25th October at 2.00 pm, (now confirmed).
She would like you to share your thoughts and experiences of health care in East Sussex, and how things may be improved.
For more information about Brighton & Hove Switchboard go to:
This years Christmas lunch has been booked at The Dolphin Pub for Tuesday 5th December.
Contact Derek for further details.
To mark Eastbourne Pride - Film@TheGrove Presents The Blue Caftan
Wednesday July 26th at 7.30pm
Lunch Positive in East Sussex
Peer led community support in East Sussex for people living with HIV
A welcoming and inclusive safe space to meet others living with HIV, share friendship and support
Comes back to the Congress Theatre From Tuesday 13th June to Saturday 17th June.
Eastbourne Rainbow's
5th Anniversary
Eastbourne Rainbow October 2012 - October 2013
A Review of our Second Year
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