E.F.Benson Society
The E.F.Benson Society at the Rye Arts Festival
The Society is supporting the Rye Arts Festival event - E.F.Benson:the Man Behind Mapp & Lucia, a literary morning to investigate his life,work and circle. The morning begins with talks by the Secretary and Chair of the Society on E.F.Benson's life and work and his school and university days respectively.
Professor Dominic Janes of Keele University will be speaking on E.F.Benson and wider 'Queer' Society.He has carried out research into gay men's lives of the period outside London and looks at how life was for men like Benson and for many of those in his circle.
This literary morning will look at E.F.Benson's life and circle and the society in which he moved.
Saturday 17th September 10.00am - doors open 9.30am
Duration - 3 hours
Rye Community Centre
Conduit Hill
TN31 7LE
£15 from: ryeartsfestival.org.uk