Garden Museum London
The Garden Museum London - Exhibition
Derek Jarman - My Garden's Boundaries Are The Horizon
Now Extended until Sunday 13th December
The Museum and Cafe are now re-opening on Thursday 3rd December
Derek Jarman created a garden at his house, Prospect Cottage, in the1980's and 90's. The exhibition relates his love of gardening and the part it played in his life and work. On display are paintings and sculptures from throughout his career.
He bought bought Prospect Cottage, a fisherman's shack on the beach at Dungeness for £32,000. After being diagnosed with HIV in 1986 one of his aims was to start a garden.
If you have not been to see the garden it is a special and strange place with the shingle, wind, the horizon and the noise from the nuclear power station. Either go there before or after seeing the exhibition.
For more information about the exhibition, where the Garden Museum is located and how to book visit
In this age of social distancing visitor numbers inside the exhibition are limited, therefore all visitors must book a ticket online ahead of their visit.